Lashes Games 2021

  • Let’s show off the skills of a master from a whole different angle!
  • Tricky Lashes Game 2022 online lash competition is back with its 2nd edition!
  • Inviting lash artists from across the world to enter our games.

So what exactly are tricky lashes?


Tricky lashes could be having curly natural lashes, crisscross lashes, downwards facing straight lashes, extra thin and short lashes or ones with gaps.

All super tricky lashes which no doubt we all come across as at some point.

The aim of this online competition will give you a better vision to managing those with difficult natural lashes and to challenge yourself.

Tricky Lashes Game 2022 is open to all lash stylists of all skill levels.





Send entries to [email protected] along with:

– Full name as you wish it to appear on your certificate

– The category and level you are entering

– Your social media tags

– Full address and contact number


How often do you challenge yourself, pushing the boundaries and getting out of your comfort zone?


Read on to find out why we should challenge ourselves…

Why should we challenge ourselves? By doing so, we are able to… 


#1 Grow as an individual 


It all starts with YOU. By competing, you are able to discover more about yourself and what you are good at, improve your knowledge and skills in familiar topics and learn more about things that you are not as good at. 


#2 Gain awareness, knowledge and skills


It is a pity if we do take chances to expand our horizons and enrich our experiences. Make it your personal mission to “seek awareness” and broadening your perspectives. The more we know, the more we realise how little we actually understand about the world and the things around us. Be curious! Like Steve Jobs said: “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” Only then will we learn and grow. So, challenge yourself!


#3 Become healthier both physically and mentally


“Health is Wealth.” We can physically challenge ourselves to exercise and eat better. A healthy body yields a healthy spirit. We are also able to challenge ourselves mentally by reading more, learning new things, taking part in competitions that will test our skills – more of challenging ourselves and less of competing with others. A healthy and active mind will keep us physically well, too!


#4 Achieve a goal every month


Sit in a quiet room and think of a list of things that you have always wanted to do. Write these down and try to achieve one every month or two. Not only will this remind us of our aspirations, it will also allow us to have goals to achieve, and get creative in fulfilling them!


#5 Seek inspiration and be more creative 


All great artists and innovators learn one golden rule: inspiration must be sought. We need to be creative and seek inspiration – it does not simply knock on our door. So, go outside. Experience new things. Challenging yourself to find ways to become inspired is a must.


#6 Gain new experiences and have more fun


The alarm clock goes off, we get up and go through our daily routines, then return home to finish off our day. Sounds familiar? Many of us go through a routine lifestyle, but it can often get mundane and boring. The truth is, it’s easy to do the same old thing. It can even make us feel safe. But, why not challenge ourselves to try new things and gain new experiences? It can be learning how to ride a unicycle, cook or take part in competitions. We can meet new people, learn more, have more fun, improve our skills and grow as a person. We may even be rewarded with new opportunities such as scholarships, internships, experiences, and ultimately a better life!


#7 Achieve peace and happiness


Peace and happiness are usually the end results of successful challenges, but they can be challenges all on their own. Why not challenge yourself to be happier and find more peace? Think of what makes you happy and at ease – note them down. Make it an effort to slow down to smell the roses and give yourself room to relax once in awhile – you deserve it! Having time for yourself to unwind and do the things you love is important for emotional, mental, spiritual and physical well-being.

Keep these 7 reasons in mind and be on your way to challenge yourself today!




NO CHANGES WILL BE MADE after your paid registration

DOUBLE CHECK before purchase if you entering in correct level and category

Any questions please email: [email protected]

Old and New images are accepted.

Please do not retouch the eyelashes or add watermark, companies logo backgrounds etc.

Please send max 7 pictures (please add a description to your work


-Level/ category

-Thickness, curl, length of lashes used

Participant can enter in as many categories as they like – you can enter the same category multiple times.

More chances of winning.

Registration fee for each category is £>>>>>>.

Participant can register and pay the entry fee at

Entries should be submitted through email to [email protected] stating name, address, social media links, which category/ level.

Please add a SUBJECT of the category you are entering in your email and ONLY attached the right pictures to match the category.

Entry fee is non refundable. No refunds are permitted should an entrant fail to submit a competition entry.

Handmade and pre-made fans are accepted.




FOR VOLUME YOU CAN USE EYELASHES OF A 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.10 THICKNESS. 



A message from our Organizer

Who are you?


Shareen Nesbeth


A self-confessed lash geek whose artistry and passion for lashes shines through her work and attitude. I started to work in lashes as a hobbyist in 2011.

I have been a participant in many competitions both UK & aboard. My mission behind this event is to give participants a better vision to managing those clients with difficult natural lashes. So go on grab those challenging lashes and be proud to enter our games.

Good luck oxo

Organised by Shareen Nesbeth